
Low-rise, Mid-rise, & High-rise Residential

Providing residential structural engineering services for single family and multi-family projects throughout the country.

Our experience combines residential designs in various trends including:

  • Concrete
  • Wood
  • Steel

Whether it be Wrap, Garden Style, Urban Infill, Coastal or Hurricane or High-Wind resistant building, we have the resources to provides effective design solution for your Single-family, Multi-family, or Mixed-use project.

Adaptive Re-use

Structures may or may not be suitable for re-use. However, when they are, we consider them treasures. Adapting an existing structure for re-use provides a unique opportunity to apply structural design and engineering knowledge.  Re-using structural elements from re-existing building requires investigation of material strengths and conditions. It also provides a unique occasion to study rare drawings from a time in the past, and provides an opportunity to incorporate exceptional  features that aren’t typical found in today’s residential design.

High-wind & Hurricane Resistant Residential

We are known as specialist in the field of high-wind residential design within hurricane prone regions. Our expertise in building code compliance in such areas enables us to provide consulting for all high-wind considerations for roofing, windows, doors, and exterior wall coverings.

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